Success as an accounting and financial management professional requires much more than technical skills.

The School of Accounting and Finance offers professional development activities that will help you focus on improving skills that employers demand.

SAF hosts a number of professionally-related events each year. Our goal is to help you successfully navigate opportunities. Common themes for these events include: inspiring your industry awareness, building your workplace skills, enhancing your professional image, charting your professional pathway, and launching your career in accounting and finance.


  • Launch Your Career (LYC) is a one-day event to prepare first-year SAF students for successful co-op experiences. Through interactive activities and workshops, this professional development event will help you develop your professional image and networking skills and introduce you to the co-op recruitment process.
  • Co-op Ready is a one-day event for SAF students in their second year of study and has been designed to get you "co-op employer-ready". Co-op Ready delivers an integrative, industry-focused professional development experience that will lead to success on the job.
  • Professional Designation Information Sessions invite guests from the CPA, CFA, and CBV industries to speak on topics in accounting and finance, such as bond rating, investment banking, portfolio management, and internal auditing.