Interested in graduate studies, but not sure where to start?
Our Waterloo Engineering Graduate Studies Guide gives you a step-by-step approach on how to find out if our graduate programs are right for you.
From finding your program to preparing a successful application (and everything in-between) - we've got you covered!
Steps and tips for applying to our graduate programs
Get to know Waterloo Engineering
Meet us at upcoming Graduate Studies events
We offer webinars and events to help you understand if a graduate degree is right for you. If the event dates don’t match up with your information needs – we provide access to recordings of past events for you to view. PLUS, we’re always here to help. Drop us a line and ask us your questions.
Learn about our Waterloo Engineering research strengths
From world-changing AI technology to locking down cybersecurity solutions, Waterloo Engineering researchers are driving innovative discoveries that are advancing knowledge and improving lives globally. Explore our research strengths and connect with a research expert using the built-in search function!
Decide which program is right for you
There’s so much choice. We offer online programs, in class programs, course work-based programs (MEng, MMSc, MBET or MArch) that don’t require a thesis and research-based programs (MASc, PhD) that do. Flexibility is an asset, but it can be overwhelming. Start by understanding the difference between the types of degrees and your preferred method of learning. Your life situation may help you make that decision.
Review your application requirements
You should start preparing your application well in advance of the application deadline. Applications that stand out are complete, well-written, with strong references. Be sure to know when deadlines are coming up – and give people who are providing supporting documents for you, TIME to prepare.
Application deadlines: When do you want to begin your studies?
Most of our programs admit for:
- Intake Fall/ September - by Feb 1st
- Intake Winter/January - by June 1st
- Intake Spring/May - by Oct 1st
Visit the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar for all application dates and deadlines.
Get to know our researchers
Understanding who our faculty members are and what they research will give you the best foundation for understanding the Faculty of Engineering community. This is especially important if you’re doing a thesis or research-based degree as you’ll be working closely with a faculty member as your supervisor.
Learn about funding, scholarships and external awards
Waterloo Engineering offers competitive funding for our graduate students in research programs. Financial support is available from many sources, including scholarships, awards, bursaries, teaching assistantships, and government agency fellowships and awards.
Waterloo Engineering Funding and Awards
We offer minimum funding for all research students and have Entrance Awards and Funding for top domestic students! There is also funding available for international students. *No application needed, you are automatically considered
Graduate funding and awards database
Check the database often to identify and apply for funding opportunities for current and future Waterloo graduate students.
External Awards
At Waterloo, we encourage our top graduate students to apply for external awards including those from Canada’s three major research granting agencies and Ontario's major scholarships programs. *Separate Application required
*Students who choose to study at Waterloo and are successful in the major federal and provincial competitions will also automatically receive the President's Graduate Scholarship valued at up to $15,000/year in addition to your award.
Prepare and submit your complete application
Finally, you’ll need to prepare and submit your completed application. Make sure that you have checked the application requirements and have obtained the required documents, references and statements for your application. We recommend starting your application early to ensure you have a complete application package to submit before the deadline.
*Application submission deadline – Your completed application and supporting documents must be received by this deadline. Find application deadlines for Fall, Spring and Winter.
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