James Craig
Elected President of the Canadian Society for Hydrologic Sciences (CSHS)
Renewed as Canada Research Chair in Hydrological Modelling and Analysis

Susan Elliott
Awarded the Melinda S. Meade Distinguished Scholarship Award in Health and Medical Geography by The Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group (HMGSG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG)

Craig Janes
Awarded the 2021 George Foster Practicing Medical Anthropology Award, by the Society for Medical Anthropology

Kelsey Leonard
Named Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Waters, Climate and Sustainability

Jonathan Li
Awarded the 2021 Geomatica Award by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG)

Sherry Schiff
Awarded the 2022 Frank Rigler Award by the Society of Canadian Limnologists

Mark Servos
Received Minister’s Award of Excellence from the Minister of Colleges and Universities

Philippe Van Cappellen
Named 2021 American Geophysical Union Fellow
Awarded the J. Tuzo Wilson Medal by the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Special tribute to Water Institute member Bill Taylor
Water Institute members were saddened by the news that William D. (Bill) Taylor (Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Biology) passed away on January 24, 2022. Dr. Taylor had a long and distinguished career as a beloved teacher, renowned aquatic biologist and limnologist researcher and accomplished administrator. Beyond his intellectual strength, Dr. Taylor was a kind, giving and humorous colleague. He will be greatly missed but leaves a wonderful legacy.

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